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Why State Bank Issue new Currency Notes Design

Why State Bank Issue new Currency Notes

Reason behind, why state bank of Pakistan issue new design for all currency notes in Pakistan.

However, if the State Bank of Pakistan below the complete reasons to change the design of all type currency notes. Why State Bank of Pakistan Issue new Currency Notes Design

  1. International Security Features: One of the most effective feature is security feature, new design currency notes include the advanced security checks. When our government issue new notes then fake notes automatically removed from markets and this step also enhance the economy of a country and this should also stop the counterfeiting.
  2. Combatting Black Money: Introducing new currency notes, its a very great strategy to address issues related to black money. Black money holder exchange their notes with new currency notes, so government find the sources and impost penalty and tax. A positive step by government to boost the economy.

Why State Bank Issue new Currency Notes

Decisions about making new money involve many things, like thinking about the economy, using new technology, and making sure the country stays safe. Also, people need to know about it and agree for it to work well. These are really important parts when a country wants to introduce a new kind of money.

If the State Bank of Pakistan decides to release new currency notes, it’s likely that they would think about making changes in the design and serial numbers to improve security. When central banks redesign currency, they typically follow certain common practices worldwide. Why State Bank Issue new Currency Notes

  1. New Design Elements: After issuing new notes, its very easy for the General public to distinguish between new and old currency notes. Updating features and design, new colors, multiple graphics can contribute to both security and aesthetics.
  2. Advanced Security Features: In advance security features, like images, color combinations, changing inks and paper and also patterns, can create more difficulties for counterfeiters and all of these designed easily recognized by general public.
  3. Innovative Materials: while issue of new currency notes enhance the durability and security measures. New notes are more Powerful as compared to old one.
  4. Visible Changes in Serial Numbers: Modifying the appearance of notes or changing in serial numbers is an another good step to deter counterfeiting. Unique combination of Serial and format help general public and authorities to recognized the original and genuine notes.
  5. Public Education Initiatives: When introducing new currency, State bank of Pakistan officially conduct or aware the general public about changes in design, serial numbers, features and this should also help to reduce the confusion or ensure the smooth transitions..

All changes in design and color, serial numbers and Paper, aim to make it easer for general public. This could also help to recognized the original or genuine notes and remove all kind of counterfeiting. Why State Bank Issue new Currency Notes

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Why State Bank Issue new Currency Notes

Why State Bank Issue new Currency Notes

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